
I was watching this video on Youtube today, and let me tell you, it is quite an eye-opener. The video presented statistics and emphasis on how student's of the 21st century learn and use technology. I found it very interesting that the video suggests the importance of teaches incorporating learning technology into their classrooms, and not just allow students to experience technology outside the classroom. Today's students are surrounded by technology, just about everywhere they go, which means adding technology into lessons proves to be such an amazing motivational and encouraging source for students attentiveness and meaningful learning. When students are exposed to computers, educational software, interactive whiteboards, podcasts, the world wide WWW ('whatever, whenever, wherever'), they are given the opportunity to grasp learning in a fun and hands on environment. Technology can and should be collaborative, it is an excellent communication platform, where student's learn from one another, learn from teachers and learn from technology they use.

I definitely suggest giving this video a good watch, and maybe it will inspire you to engage students learning with digital learning.

Bye for now, but not forever


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