
As I was reading through week 1's reading "Computer as Paintbrush: Technology, Play, and Creative Society" (Singer. D, Golikoff. R, and Hirsh-Pasek. K, 2006), a light bulb started blinking on the top  of my headEmbraced+by+WordsSinger et al. (2006) emphasised on the fact that computers should be seen as a mechanism of creative expression, and a place where all of us can be inspired and motivated to, if you will, LEARN. This perspective was exactly the opposite to what I had formally seen the light of the use of computers. Partly due to the fact that I consistently use it for social networking and games when I have nothing better to do. But to think of the computer as an object to foster my learning and the learning of others, i.e primary classroom students!!!!!!
From my student teacher experience from practicum last year, I have learnt that children are really motivated to learn when they are faced with something that highly interests them. This idea is also mentioned in the reading with the example of "Alexandra's Marble Machine" (p1, 2006), where an 11 year old girl who doesn not like school that much, but loved going to her local computer clubhouse. There she was able to explore her interests, yet at the same time learn mathematical and scientific skills.
The reading also pinpointed the usefulness of marketed educational tools available for children nowadays, or as the reading puts it "edutainment" (p3 2006). I agree with the reading that these products are made to be sold, and I mean a heavly emphasis on , as I have been exposed to these as a child and my younger brother  using them. What I found interesting about the reading was that it highlighted the fact that edutainment is a facade of education. I think coining this type of label onto an educational facility that does not even facilitate learning is absolutely spot on. However the reading also brought up the term "playful learning" (p4 2006) which is described when children are discovering and inventing their learning through interesting stimuli. When I discovered these words while reading this week's reading, I began to think about what my teaching philosophy would include, and playful learning would definitly be my goal. In the light of technologies and this reading, I have a new appreciation for computers and what it can do for a young mind.
Until next time folks
Bye for now, but not forever

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