An article (see article here) by the Irish Times has reported that St Coleman’s College in Claremorris has indeed given it's students a choice of replacing heavy books with iPads. I like the fact that the principle at this college has embraced technology and its inevitable presence in the 21st century culture, he states that “It is a bit of a unique idea, but we have to continue to move with the times".
I have a mixed thoughts when it comes to the idea of completely replacing traditional books with Apple iPads. Here are the reasons why I have mixed feelings about incorporating iPads instead of books.
- First off, the cost wise of these things according to St Coleman is €700, although paid over three years, it is still a costly device.
- Books have always been around as a facilitator and knowledge filled object that has worked in favour of education.
- With the growing rate of information found on the internet and educational apps, iPads are a heavy-free, accessible mechanism of information.
- iPads can be lost or broken. Information and assignments can be lost if unwanted currcumstances happen, which is inevitable with technology.
- Books can be lost, BUT the information will always be accessible as they are hardcopies.
So what do you think? For or against replacing books with iPads? To be honest I cannot make up my mind unless I actually experience and use this type of technology for my own classroom.
Until next time folks.
Fallon, J. (2011, May 30). School replaces books with iPads. Irish TImes. Retrieved from
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