Hey all
During week 3's PE3 class, Ruth pointed out and described the workings of a site called Delicious. I went home that night and made an account (Delicious Logo). While browsing through the site with no expectations at all, I have come to a conclusion that this site is simply awesome, in both teacher source aspect as well as 20 year old university student perspective. Which is why I have decided to give you all a review, if you will, on this useful piece of website :)
When you make an account on Delicious, it allows you to bookmark and save websites that you deem RELIABLE or USEFUL. Very much like your 'Bookmark this page' tab on your browser, the site let's you save websites onto its database!!!! I find this so useful if an occasion comes up and I don't have my laptop, and I want to search a website that I need but have forgotten the web address. All I have to do is log on to my Delicious account and TADA there it is, the site address!!
The site is very simple to use and makes life that much more easier, which as all practicing teachers and teachers, TIME is a NEED and a MUST!!
I probably sound like I was paid by Delicious to advertise their site, but honestly I have so far found it a very useful source. I will most definitly use this while I am teaching to save me some time finding sites when I am conducting a lesson that requires students to see or experience certain web pages.
Until next time
Bye for now, not forever